

Weekly Newsletter

The weekly newsletter is sent by email  every Friday to parents & carers, providing information about forthcoming events, dates, general information and specific celebrations. This is our primary source of communication and it is so important that parents read it carefully so that they don't miss anything! Newsletters are numbered consecutively throughout the school year and saved on the school website (News section) for referral later if needed. If you are not receiving the school newsletter let the school office know asap and this will be rectified. If you wish to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, please contact the Office Team to request this.


Class Newsletters

Each half-term you will receive a class newsletter from your child's class teachers to give you information about the term ahead, the curriculum and how you can further support your child at home. A paper copy will be sent home on the second Friday of each half-term. These are also available to download on the school website (under the News section) should you require another copy. 


Marvellous Me

We also ask that all parents register with Marvellous Me. This enables class teachers to send you messages and reminders about events in school as well as targeted praise for your child. The app can be downloaded directly onto your phone.


Communication between school and parents/carers is very important to us. You know your children best and sharing information with us so we can support them further in school is invaluable. However, teachers have 30 children in their classes and are not always able to respond to you immediately as they are often teaching throughout the full school day. We ask that if you are concerned about your child in any way that you follow our communication policy to let us know so we can continue to work together for the benefit of all our children.
