Frequently Asked Questions

How will school communicate with me?
Communication between school and parents/carers is very important to us. You know your children best and sharing information with us so we can support them further in school is invaluable. However, teachers have 30 children in their classes and are not always able to respond to you immediately as they are often teaching throughout the full school day. We ask that if you are concerned about your child in any way that you speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance.
Weekly Newsletter
The weekly newsletter is sent by email every Friday to parents & carers, providing information about forthcoming events, dates, general information and specific celebrations. This is our primary source of communication and it is so important that parents read it carefully so that they don't miss anything! Newsletters are numbered consecutively throughout the school year and saved on the school website (News section) for referral later if needed. If you are not receiving the school newsletter let the school office know asap and this will be rectified. If you wish to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, please contact the Office Team to request this.
Class Newsletters
Each half-term you will receive a class newsletter from your child's class teachers to give you information about the term ahead, the curriculum and how you can further support your child at home. A paper copy will be sent home on the second Friday of each half-term. These are also available to download on the school website (under the News section) should you require another copy.
Marvellous Me
We also ask that all parents register with Marvellous Me. This enables class teachers to send you messages and reminders about events in school as well as targeted praise for your child. The app can be downloaded directly onto your phone.
What do I do if my child has lost an item of clothing in school?
Lost property is kept in a room near the School Office for pupils and parents to reclaim. Please ensure that ALL items of clothing are named so that we can easily return them to the pupil when found. The school cannot be held responsible for lost items. Any items which remain unclaimed at the end of each term are given to the PTA for resale or to a local charity shop. Please let your child's class teacher or the school office know if your child has lost something.
How will I know if school is open in an emergency?
In exceptional circumstances it is sometimes necessary for the school to close or make exceptional arrangements (for example opening later or closing early). Very occasionally this decision is taken by Hertfordshire County Council in conjunction with the police if it is considered unsafe for staff and parents to drive or they wish to reduce the traffic on the road and enable emergency services to travel more easily. Whilst we do everything possible to avoid closing it is for you to decide if it is safe for you and your child to travel to school. Inevitably the weather tends to be unpredictable at certain times of the year and it is good practice to be prepared...
- If we have your mobile phone number we will send you a text message on your mobile phone. If we have an email address for you we will also send an email. Be aware that there can be problems with communication services jamming up at peak times and messages delayed in getting through. Having contact with neighbouring parents is very helpful as messages spread and parents help each other with transport and supervision.
- An answer phone message advising that the school is closed or opening late will be on the school phone (hopefully from 07:30 or before) – 01923 672729. Please hang up immediately after you have listened so others can get through.
- Our school website will be updated
- Local radio stations have agreed to pass on information if the school is closed at very short notice. Tune into:
Mercury FM (96.6 FM)
BBC 3 Counties Radio (103.8FM/630 AM)
What do I do if my child needs to take medicine in school?
Children are not allowed to have medicine in school (with the exception of inhalers for asthma, EpiPen etc). Asthma inhalers are kept in the child's classroom by the class teacher and Epipens are kept in the School Office . All medical items are clearly labelled with the child's name and care plan.
Parents of children who require regular medication, or for whom emergency medication may be required in school, should refer to the Administering Medicines Policy.
How do I make a complaint?
We encourage parents to address any concerns or worries they may have by initially discussing them with the class teacher. If unsure about whom to approach, please seek assistance from the School Office, where our staff will gladly guide you. We find that open dialogue resolves nearly all concerns or potential complaints satisfactorily. However, if dissatisfaction persists, please contact:, addressing your message to the Headteacher. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will promptly reach out to discuss your concerns.
Please note that anonymous correspondence will not receive a response, and the 'contact us' section of this website is not a confidential platform. It should not be used for discussing confidential matters, individual staff members, or pupils.
Should your concerns persist even after discussions with the Senior Leadership Team, please refer to the School Complaints Policy for further guidance.