Beech - Year Six
Welcome to Beech Class
Welcome to Beech! Our year 6 children are now the oldest in the school and we expect them to be role models to younger children within the school. Beech classroom is an exciting classroom where learning comes to life. Decorated with colourful displays showcasing student work and educational resources, the room is designed to inspire creativity and curiosity. Our Year 6 children will develop leadership skills in preparation for secondary school through Prefect nominations and responsibilities, play leader opportunities and mini-Police sessions. Children sit on benches in assembly to ensure they are showcased to younger children and are setting the best example. Year 6 is a vital year in primary school and we want to ensure they are ready for the next phase in their education.
The teacher for Beech this year is Ms McQuarrie. If you would like to speak to Ms McQuarrie you are welcome to speak to her at drop off or pick up. Alternatively, if you would like a longer meeting, please email
Home Learning- Friday 10th January
Key Information
PE Days
Monday and Wednesday
Children need to come to school in their PE kits on their allotted PE days. We would like to kindly remind you that all children are required to wear a royal blue t-shirt on their given PE days. This does not need to have a school logo on, and these are available in lots of local high-street stores.